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Non State Schools - Transport Assistance Scheme
Queensland Catholic Education Commission
Independent Schools Queensland

How to Apply

To lodge an application, scroll down to the end of this page and click the relevant button.

I’ve checked my eligibility (at Step 1.), what should I do next?

2. Note in your calendar to apply each May (for travel January to May and planned for June) and October (for travel July to October and planned to December) via this website:

A reminder email may be sent if your application was successful in the previous semester.

3. You pay for transport during the semester before you receive any money from this Scheme.

A rebate may be provided after the consideration of your application.

4. Keep your public transport receipts. (Do not forward them to us)

You may be required to prove you have paid a transport provider during the semester. It is essential you retain evidence of expenditure such as receipts and tickets for the semester.

You need only keep receipts for three months from the date we paid you for that semester (we will not ask you to provide them after three months from that date).

Each semester a sample of parents/applicants is asked to forward evidence (e.g. a printed copy of a TRANSLink Go Card account). Do not forward evidence unless requested to do so.

We understand you will be estimating student travel from when you apply to the end of semester. If at the end of semester your student's actual

  • Average Weekly Fare
  • Weeks Absent

need to be updated, please email the changes to

5. Apply online twice each year on this website by clicking on the red buttons below (Unless you have a special arrangement with your school)

  • 1st May to 31st May - to claim for bus fares (or SWD travel) you will have paid for January to June, that is Semester One (Terms 1 & 2) and
  • 1st October to 31st October - to claim for bus fares (or SWD travel) you will have paid for July to December, that is Semester Two (Terms 3 & 4).

If you have a special arrangement with your school where you pay the school the threshold and the school pays the Bus Company, the school will usually apply on your behalf. If that is the case, there is no need for you to apply directly to NSSTAS. Please contact your school if you are unsure.

Late applications cannot be accepted.

Have the following ready when you apply...

Incomplete applications will not be processed.

Before you commence filling out your application, allow yourself at least 15 minutes and have the following ready:

  • Use a computer, tablet, or mobile with the latest software updates. If you have difficulty with your current browser, Google Chrome can be downloaded for free and works on most devices
  • Your email address (for confirmation and payment advice)
  • Your bank account name, number and BSB
  • Your Health Care, Pensioner Concession or DVA Pensioner Concession Card number (if applicable)
  • The transport provider, ticket type and fares you will pay for each student for the weeks they are catching public transport over the entire semester (including the estimate of fares for the remaining weeks of the semester). The school’s website will tell you how many weeks there are in the semester
  • The number of full weeks the student didn't travel to or attend school for the current semester
  • For Students With Disability (SWD) only:
    • the address of the Car to Public Transport pickup point (if applicable), and
    • confirm with learning support staff at the school that your student has:
      • been included on the latest submission of the Australian Government’s Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD) as requiring adjustments: supplementary, substantial or extensive (yes or awaiting inclusion),
      • a Personalised Learning Plan or equivalent (PLP) (yes or awaiting plan), and
      • a Travel Capability Rating (C, D, E or F).

Application troubleshooting tips

Try using the Google Chrome browser if you are unable to access the form properly.

When you are in the application form, press the red "Start Application" or "Next Step" button at the bottom of the page only ONCE, and then wait a moment or so for the next page to fully display - especially if your internet connection is slow or lost. Wait for a lost connection to resume.

If you have difficulties with the form (such as being stuck at a particular item, or the page not loading a few minutes after reconnecting), try the following tips:

  1. When inputting an address, please type slowly (as there is a delay while the system looks up the address in Google). If it does not display, click the "Can't find your address?" link at the top right of the address box;
  2. On the Student Details page, you may need to add a student before you can delete a student (press "Add Another Student"). Delete a student using the Delete (trash can icon) at the top right of that student's name;
  3. To go back to a previous page, press the "Previous Page" button at the bottom of the page only once - Don't press the back or forward buttons on the browser itself while you are in the application form;
  4. If the internet connection is lost, switch your device and/or internet modem off, leave it for 30 seconds and switch it back on.
  5. Ensure you have the most up-to-date browser software on your device, or try a different internet browser (e.g. Google Chrome);
  6. Try a more up-to-date computer, tablet (e.g. iPad), or mobile phone with internet; or
  7. If you continue to experience issues, seek assistance from internet savvy family, friends, library, or the school.

To apply, click on the appropriate red button below:

Apply for Students With Disability

Apply for Bus Fare Assistance

What happens after I apply?

NSSTAS process applications

After you submit your application, NSSTAS will contact the school and confirm the student's enrolment at that school and confirm attendance for the relevant semester.

You may be required to prove you have paid a transport provider during the semester. It is essential you retain evidence of expenditure such as receipts and tickets for the semester.

You need only keep receipts for three months from the date we paid you for that semester (we will not ask you to provide them after three months from that date).

Each semester a sample of parents/applicants is asked to forward evidence (e.g. a printed copy of a TRANSLink Go Card account). Do not forward evidence unless requested to do so.

How much am I paid and when?

6. We calculate how much we can pay you. Most families receive (Sum of average weekly fares for their students - weekly family threshold) x weeks in semester - adjustments.

The weekly thresholds are:
  • Semester 2, 2024 July to December 2024 travel - $25 per family (or $15 per concession family for those applicants who hold a current Health Care, Pensioner Concession or Veterans’ Affairs Pensioner Concession card)
  • Semester 1, 2025 January to June 2025 travel - $35 per family (or $25 per concession family)

  • If the transport provider charges more than the fare set out in the School Transport Maximum Cash Fare Schedule (STMCFS), NSSTAS will only pay you up to that Schedule's maximum fare (less your family weekly threshold for Bus Fare Assistance). In summary, you will receive a part rebate from NSSTAS for the fares you pay (less the weekly family BFAP threshold, and less any excess above the STMCFS the transport provider charges you).
  • For a student travelling on a Translink service or other service with discounted fares, the rebate we pay you is based on Go Card concession fares or discounted fares (depending on the average weekly number of trips the student catches the service).
  • For a student travelling on a single/return/pay-as-you-go ticketed service, the rebate we pay you is based on the average weekly number of trips the student catches the service.
  • For a student travelling on a Weekly, Monthly, Term, Semester or Annual ticketed service, the rebate we pay you is based on the average weekly number of trips the student catches the service when we apply the STMCFS to cap your fares:
    • 0-1 trips per week
      Weekly fare we assess is zero
    • 2 trips per week
      Weekly fare we assess is calculated on 2 trips per week
    • 3-5 trips per week
      Weekly fare we assess is calculated on 5 trips per week
    • 6-10 trips per week
      Weekly fare we assess is calculated on the weekly rate of the ticket type purchased
  • Boarding school students make a minimum of two journeys each week - one journey to and one journey from school each week. For example, a student may travel by bus to school on Sunday and return home by bus on Friday after school. The parent/applicant will receive a rebate calculated on two trips per week, utilising the DTMR issued STMCFS.
  • Other criteria as outlined in our Students With Disability Guidelines and Bus Fare Assistance Program Guidelines.

To avoid disappointment in regards to the rebate we pay you, you are encouraged to purchase the most economical ticket type for your family.

The weekly family threshold can change each semester depending on demand on the Scheme and funding available from the government. We aim to keep it as stable as possible.

You can estimate the amount of BFAP rebate we pay you. It will be approximately equal to the following calculation:

Rebate =
(Sum of average weekly fares for your students - Weekly family threshold) x
Weeks in semester - Adjustments

Adjustments include:

  • Absence from school and other times not using public transport
  • Fares in excess of the applicable rate, i.e.
    • The fares for Go Card Concessions (NOT Adult) including discounts;
    • Or the cheapest student fare set by your transport provider (if not TRANSLink);
    • Or for standard kilometre based services, the School Transport Maximum Cash Fare Schedule (set by the Qld Department of Transport and available from their website).

Note: The weekly family threshold is zero for SWD applications.

Regarding weeks in semester: Your school website should tell you how many weeks there are in the Semester and the Term dates within that. Semester 2 is usually shorter than Semester 1, because in Term 4 (at the end of the year) Year 10 and 11 students usually finish one week earlier, and Year 12 students usually finish two weeks earlier.

Note: Information from sources such as Schools, Bus Companies, Department of Transport and other government agencies is used to cross check the information in your application. Inconsistencies may result in your payment being delayed until we can verify your data. It is important to be as accurate as possible.

7. We aim to pay you by the end of August/January after you apply. ‘School Transport’ will be the description on your bank statement.

  • We pay into your bank account a rebate for a successful application. We pay parents as soon as we can. This normally happens after the semester finishes and into the first couple of months of the following semester. This is a rebate of the fares you have paid to the transport provider each week/month/term etc (or the cost to drive your SWD student to/from school).
  • When you apply to us in May (for Semester One) you generally receive your rebate from us into your nominated bank account by the end of August. Similarly, when you apply to us in October (for Semester Two) you generally receive your rebate from us into your nominated bank account by the end of January of the following year.
  • A rebate payment advice will be forwarded to you via email. The payment description on your bank statement will be ‘School Transport’.
  • If you have students at more than one school, you may receive more than one payment (with the weekly threshold deducted from the first payment).