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1. Check Your Eligibility

Take the Eligibility Questionnaire

To navigate to the ‘How to Apply’ page, scroll down to the very end of this page and click the relevant button.

How do I organise the right bus (or ferry) to use?

Current information may be available from...

the following organisations or their web sites:

  • - Journey planner. (You may wish to select "More options" and scroll down to tick most options including "School".) (Telephone: 13 12 30).
  • Your school
  • Local bus companies (or via your local government).
  • The Department of Transport & Main Roads. Please review our web site below for further information about how to contact the Department and the items you may wish to check with them.

Do you qualify for a Bus / Ferry Fare Assistance rebate?

To qualify for Bus Fare Assistance you must answer "Yes" to all of the questions below. (Extra funding may be available to you if you think you may be eligible for Students With Disability.)

Does your family spend in bus/ferry fares more than the threshold? We pay you some of the amount you spend above the threshold.

The weekly thresholds are:
  • Semester 1 2024 (January to June 2024 travel) - $35 per family (or $25 per concession family for those applicants who hold a current Health Care, Pensioner Concession or Veterans’ Affairs Pensioner Concession card).
  • Semester 2 2024 (July to December 2024 travel) - $25 per family (or $15 per concession family).

Your family must spend more than the weekly threshold on eligible fares. Therefore it is a per family threshold, NOT a per student threshold. We only pay you some of your spend above the threshold. (Our FAQ Section 6 "We calculate how much we will pay you" explains this further.)

The threshold can change each semester depending on demand on the Scheme and funding available from the government. We aim to keep it as stable as possible.

More information about concession cards (i.e Health Care, Pensioner Concession or Veterans’ Affairs Pensioner Concession) is available from the Australian Government Services Australia or the Department of Veterans’ Affairs respectively. Please note that a DVA Health Card issued by the Department of Veteran’s Affairs is not acceptable. A Medicare Card is NOT a Health Care card.

For example, a family (without a concession card) has two students. The bus fares are $20 and $30 per week respectively. In a semester when the weekly family threshold was set at $25 and the students caught the bus to/from school for 18 weeks. The family estimates the money they'll receive back from NSSTAS for the semester as:

= ((Sum of average weekly fares) - Weekly family threshold) x Weeks on bus - Adjustments
= (($20 + $30) - $25 ) x 18 - Adjustments
= $450 - Adjustments

Adjustments outlined under the FAQ page and at Item 6 under the How to Apply page may reduce the rebate.

Does your student attend a non-state school that is outside the Brisbane City Council boundary?

Your school can advise if you are not sure.

Does your student live more than 3.2km for Primary or 4.8km for Secondary from their school (except if you are a concession card holder)?

You can use Google Maps or similar to check this.

If you, the parent/carer, are a concession card holder this distance restriction does not apply to you.

Are you a Queensland resident?

This Scheme is only available to residents of Queensland.

Residents of New South Wales (NSW) may apply to the NSW Department responsible for Transport given inter-state cross border agreements.

Does your student travel on a publicly available bus or ferry (NOT owned, leased or chartered by a school or a body associated with a school)?

A publicly available bus can include a service that your student travels on with other school students who attend a different non-state (or state) school. Applications must NOT be for travel on a bus or ferry that is owned, leased or chartered by a school or a body associated with a school. Please check this with your school as well as the information panel below.

Other criteria as outlined in our Bus Fare Assistance Program (BFAP) Guidelines.

BFAP Guidelines

You may be entitled to cheaper bus fares (e.g., bus pass) if your student catches a contracted bus service subsidised by the Department of Transport & Main Roads (DTMR) through their School Transport Assistance Scheme (STAS).

To ensure you receive the maximum benefit possible through the two school transport assistance Schemes, please check with your local DTMR School Transport office:

  • If your student will be catching a bus, ask what are the most suitable bus options (between home and school) eligible under STAS, and
  • Can you receive other assistance directly from STAS with:
    • Conveyance Allowance - if you drive to a bus stop or school,
    • Safety-Net - if you hold a valid concession card,
    • Train/rail travel assistance – if applicable, and
    • Isolated assistance – if applicable.

Phone your nearest DTMR School Transport office or, phone 13 QGOV (13 7468) and ask for your local School Transport office. More information at

DMTR may suggest you phone us, but there is no need as we only accept online applications via this website.

Schools, Bus Companies, or other groups seeking to develop new NSSTAS approved routes outside DTMR contracted areas should contact us via the Contact Us tab.

How to Apply